Published on in Vol 7 (2024)

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Parent Perceptions of Telemedicine for Acute Pediatric Respiratory Tract Infections: Sequential Mixed Methods Study

Parent Perceptions of Telemedicine for Acute Pediatric Respiratory Tract Infections: Sequential Mixed Methods Study

Parent Perceptions of Telemedicine for Acute Pediatric Respiratory Tract Infections: Sequential Mixed Methods Study


  1. Pathak P, Stockwell M, Lane M, Robbins-Milne L, Friedman S, Pethe K, Krause M, Soren K, Matiz L, Solomon L, Burke M, Bracho-Sanchez E. Access to Primary Care Telemedicine and Visit Characterization in a Pediatric, Low-Income, Primarily Latino Population: Retrospective Study. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 2024;7:e57702 View