Published on in Vol 7 (2024)

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Parental Autonomy in the Care of Premature Newborns and the Experience of a Neonatal Team: Observational Prospective Study

Parental Autonomy in the Care of Premature Newborns and the Experience of a Neonatal Team: Observational Prospective Study

Parental Autonomy in the Care of Premature Newborns and the Experience of a Neonatal Team: Observational Prospective Study

Salvador Piris-Borregas   1 * , PhD ;   Beatriz Bellón-Vaquerizo   1 * , RN ;   Leticia Velasco-Echeburúa   1 , RN ;   Lidia Niño-Díaz   1 , MD ;   Susana Sánchez-Aparicio   1 , RN ;   María López-Maestro   1 , PhD ;   Carmen Rosa Pallás-Alonso   1 , PhD

1 Department of Neonatology, Instituto de Investigación Biomédica, 12 de Octubre University Hospital, Madrid, Spain

*these authors contributed equally

Corresponding Author:

  • Salvador Piris-Borregas, PhD
  • Department of Neonatology
  • Instituto de Investigación Biomédica
  • 12 de Octubre University Hospital
  • Avenida de Córdoba s/n
  • Madrid, 28041
  • Spain
  • Phone: 34 91390195
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